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Monday, November 22, 2004

got this from where else, friendster.

r u willing to take a bullet for Christ?

Imagine this happening to you... One Sunday morning during service, a 2,000 member congregation was surprised to see two men enter, both covered from head to toe in black and carrying submachine guns. One of the men proclaimed, "Anyone willing to take a bullet for Christ remain where you are." Immediately, the choir fled... the deacons fled... and most of the congregation fled.... Out of the 2,000 there only remained around 20. The man who had spoken took off his hood... He then looked at the preacher and said "Okay Pastor, I got rid of all the hypocrites... Now you may begin your service. Have a nice day!" And the two men turned and walked out.

i've already thought about this before. when i was a kid someone also told me a similar story. so how? my answer would be.. "yes".

i love God. right now, i love God more than anything else. i've come to the point whereby i searched myself. what if God takes away the things that matter to me most, will i still love Him? what if God takes away this scholarship and send me back home, will i swear Him off and hate Him? and worse, what if God takes away my family? that would probably be the most painful of all.

after getting my midterm test results, i became very anxious that this scholarship might be stripped off of me. then i contemplated on what i would do afterwards. surely i cannot face my mother and father back home. i cannot bear to be in the midst of my former classmates who used to look up to me. what will they think of me upon knowing that i have been sent back and my scholarship withdrawn? then i thought of stowing away on board some ship in harbourfront. i will detest God and live like a gypsy. maybe be a slut and hook up with rich men so i will survive.

ewww. just the mere thought makes me shudder.

but i realized if i do that, then that would mean that i had loved God for a very shallow reason. just because he blessed me. my anchor was just this scholarship?

it shouldn't be that way. i have been reading the book of Daniel, and there is this part wherein Daniel's three friends would be thrown in the fiery furnace because they would not bow down to the image of gold King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. when the king questioned them, they replied that the God they serve is able to rescue them from the furnace, BUT EVEN IF HE DOES NOT, they will still not worship any other god. and then i thought, whoa, what's up with these people? but i want to be just like them.

to conclude the sermon several sundays ago, pastor butch had displayed this on the last slide on the screen:

" God, even if you never answer another prayer while i live on this earth, i will still worship you as long as i live in the ages to come for what you have already done."

and then i thought once again, NEVER ANSWER ANOTHER PRAYER? hmmmm...

whoever spoke those words must love God very much. i hope one day, i could also speak those words in all honesty.

i know i have made stupid mistakes in the past, which i won't elaborate anymore because my mother might be reading this haha..but i acknowledge that i am still a work in progress. i want to be like Christ. i want people to see Chrsit in me. but of course i am only human..but isn't that just my perennial excuse whenever my selfish and evil self resurfaces? that's why i would like people around me to rebuke me whenever i am being un-Christlike. i wouldn't want to be called a hypocrite.

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