Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul...
i love this song. found the full lyrics in archie's blog. i really feel something for vincent. (van gogh, that is.) i like his style in painting. i found my art class in second year truly fascinating, when we took a peek in the lives of cezanne, gauguin, van gogh, and other art geniuses.
"And my aim in my life is to make pictures and drawings, as many and as well as I can; then, at the end of my life, I hope to pass away, looking back with love and tender regret, and thinking, 'Oh, the pictures I might have made!"
-Vincent van Gogh
-Letter 338 to Theo
-19 November 1883
yes, he had been dubbed as a freak. he works were not really appreciated during his lifetime, having sold only one artwork ( i think) before he died (er, killed himself). and one thing i could never forget about him is that he cut off his left ear when he and gauguin had a fight. the guy had gone bonkers for living such a miserable life. but still, he remains to be my favorite. yeah, maybe because his life is so tragic, yet beautiful.
*to be concluded*
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