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Sunday, May 29, 2005
sunday happenings.

i've just finished reading two sidney sheldon novels, and it just made me yearn for more. before i left singapore for the summer holidays, i was reading A Stranger In The Mirror, which i didn't have time to finish because of my being homebound all of a sudden. it was all deja vu, because for the Christmas holidays last time, i was also reading a sidney sheldon novel that i also didn't get to finish before i went home. i thought it would all be so bitin again, but luckily my sister's good friend Doki is also a fan and has a sheldon collection, so i pleaded her to borrow books for me. when she got back from Manila, i quickly ransacked her luggage and there i found 4 sheldon novels waiting to be devoured by me. 2 down, 2 more to go. she also brought home 2 judith mcnaught novels, which i'm also keen on reading because ate joline is a fan. since my sister is only staying here for only a week, that doesn't give me much time to savor them all.

i got an email from my man, which i replied curtly with Here? NOTHING MUCH. see ya. a no-frills, noncommital reply, because that's what his email deserves. MEN.

a while ago, morai said goodbye. she only worked here for three weeks, more of like a summer job, because school will be starting soon. she's only 15 years old, just like cherry ann, who also went here for the summer. one day i was just surprised to see already 4 people working in our humble abode, and when it was just our family in the car mama joked that our home is turning into a bahay ampunan, but it's alright. pane, our loyal housekeeper who's been with us for already 8 years, explained that those kids opted to help around in our house because otherwise, they would be under the scorching heat of the sun toiling in their farms. so my youngest sister also got instant playmates for the summer.

earlier, we had lunch in a bukid. before we got there we had to pass through a labyrinth of broken branches, narrow dusty roads, and rocks from the dead river within the vicinity. lola co-owns the farm with her other siblings, and there we were met by farm people who were to attend a meeting to be officiated by lola. auntie jovie, lola's sister whom i haven't seen yet without make-up, was already there. and there i ate the bestest pork adobo alongside an army of flies, but it's ok because i was hungry, and acting maarte is something i find hard to forgive.

my battery is running low and everyone is going to bed.

bonne nuit.

P.S. i just want to thank God for the good life He's given me. i mean, we're not rich but our basic needs are met. we've had our share of the hard times, but all in all we live comfortably. I'm just being grateful.

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