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Sunday, February 13, 2005
yet another paper to swamp me

i finally emailed my singapore studies tutor to help me get started on my term assignment, which is due in two weeks time. GOD HELP ME. i don't understand what she just advised. imagined community?

Hello Korinna,

I suggest that what is underlying your "equality for all" paradigm hints at something a little deeper than issues of meritocracy. I think you might have a more fruitful time thinking about this issue of Chinese Cleaning Lady vs Fillipino maid in terms of national identity and imagined community.

I attach my sample term paper for your reference. Please have a look at the readings on national identity (Topic 3). It is a good place to get started for your research.


-----Original Message-----
From: Espinosa Korinna Gacal
Sent: Sat 2/12/2005 5:45 PM
To: Lim Bee Fong, Lisa
Subject: help for term paper

Dear Ms Lisa,

For my term paper, I would like to find out how Singaporeans feel about foreign workers (specifically Filipino maids) here in Singapore. This was instigated by an instance when we were having a block meeting in our hostel, and our block head was advising us to treat our Chinese cleaning auntie well and 'not treat her like a Filipino maid'. I want to find out whether the 'equality for all' paradigm mentioned in the lectures generally holds true or not. I searched the internet for possible ways to get started with my paper, but I am still stoned.

May I ask for suggestions on how to get started? And also, if you don't mind, can you please email me a softcopy of a sample term paper so I would know what style to adopt in doing my paper. Thank you very much.

Korinna Espinosa

so there. i've decided to do a paper about Filipino maids here in Singapore. at first I was hesitant about that topic because I don't think I will ever be prepared to digest what I am about to find out. but after much thought, this is the topic wherein i can have the most say on things, albeit not always objective. but of course I would have to set aside my being a Filipino in doing this research so it won't be colored with unnecessary partiality to my fellowmen.

ok, so i have to work now. gee whiz this is so exciting.


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