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Thursday, March 24, 2005
guess who i bumped into

just came from maths make-up tutorial. make-up tutorial because i really cannot wake up anymore in time for my supposedly 8 am maths tutorial on wednesdays. so for today, i just anyhow chose a tutorial room and barged in, oblivious to who the tutor might be. and surprise, surprise! the one person under whom i have suffered much humiliation last year...NG WEE SENG! my bridging year maths lecturer! the professor with a minute stature but with a gigantic ego!

haha..but today i was set out to disprove the notion that i am stupid in maths. good thing i came prepared for the very last practice session, wherein we are given a problem set similar to one of the tutorial problems and 15 minutes to solve it. the method of solving was displayed for our reference, but i just stuck to my own style. probably to show wee seng 'hey i know this stuff too!' and of course to avoid confusion. i didn't get it entirely correct at first (even though this practice session is the easiest of the three), but the good thing is wee seng is quite gracious to reject our paper until we get our answers right. we are allowed to discuss with others, so my seatmate got my brain juice going again after freezing for a while just because of the fact that wee seng is in the same room as i am in.

earlier in the tutorial, wee seng was discussing about the different types of partial differential equations and the methods of solving them. i was all ears for i know i might get a blogworthy 'quotable quote' from him, and surely i did. he said:

"Really, the method of Laplace transforms is a NO-BRAINER."

ho-hum. yeah, i could also say that, but WITHOUT an iota of truth.

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