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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

wah lau. conrado de quiros undauntingly writes about things he firmly believes in, even if it means blatantly opposing the most powerful person back there in my country . i wish i could write the way he does someday, with tons of wit and fervor to boot.

here's an exerpt of what he wrote for today:

...Arroyo likes to say one thing and do another, chief of them vow not to run again but do so anyway, and with a ferocity that leaves government penniless. Roces means exactly what she says, her utterances carrying with them a ring of conviction. Arroyo tries to please, or appease, everyone, Cory and Imelda Marcos alike. Roces lashes out at those she believes has done her wrong, not the least ABS-CBN Broadcasting. Arroyo, at her most pained expressions at the sight of stricken humanity, comes off as plastic. Roces at her calmest in the face of great loss comes off as honest.

Arroyo proclaims her accomplishments at every turn. Roces likes to draw attention to what her husband has done. Arroyo speaks from a script, Roces speaks from the heart. Arroyo talks about everything, Roces talks only about things she knows. Arroyo speaks the language of technocratese or PR, whichever is more convenient, Roces speaks the language of experience and feeling, whichever is more understandable. Arroyo is an economist who longs desperately to be an actress, Roces is an actress who longs desperately to be left alone. Arroyo is a President who regales her constituents with a badly written movie. Roces is a citizen who offers her friends the spectacle of a life well borne.

Arroyo likes power, and began Day One of her first term preparing for a second. Roces likes friends, and thanked everyone who flew to her side in her moment of need. Arroyo says she is the Pope's -- if not God's -- appointed, sent by them to pluck this country out of the wilderness. Roces says she is not a political person and is not interested in being one. She is just there to inspire, as well she can, she has no plans of leading a movement. However can she? She is just-a housewife...

the whole of the article is here. wayne compiles all of de quiros' published articles in this blog.

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