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Thursday, June 30, 2005
say chiz

yesterday, my parents finally scored. they celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. the other day, papa asked me to buy a cake for their anniversary to surprise my mother. But that night, i had been found out, so the surprise cake wasn't anymore a surprise.

mama thought they won't be able to be together yesterday because papa told all of us he'd still be in cebu. so in lieu of only the two of them going out, mama decided to treat me and her office staff for a night out. she didn't know that papa had secretly sms-ed me to ask where we were so he could join us. he really made it a point to go home, and he didn't even ask permission from his very strict boss. so on the day of their anniversary, he took a flight from cebu to davao, and drove for about three hours from davao to our city. mama's staff and i were screaming with delight when papa arrived. we teased the two of them like they were high school sweethearts. mama earlier said that since it's already their 20th anniversary, the two of them dating and being together on that day won't count as much as the first few anniversaries. maybe she just said that because she thought she can't do anything with papa being away that day. but apparently, papa still regards their anniversary with high importance, which is actually very sweet of him.

my parents aren't perfect people, and i think i know a lot more of the problems that they have gone through than they think i should know, thanks to my being a nosey little kid way back. but i'm happy that they have learned from their mistakes, and i'm pretty sure that they're going to grow old together and love each other forever. both of my parents came from broken families, and i guess they've promised themselves that the family they're going to build won't be like the families they grew up with, and so i think that makes me lucky.


my favorite politician is francis 'chiz' escudero because of his gift of gab. but the primary reason is his uncanny resemblance to jericho rosales. haha. too bad i couldn't find a decent enough photo of him that will prove my case.

p.s v.2.

thanks chin=). my layout is a total mess when i view it, but i don't know how to fix it yet. i also don't want to totally change my template because i love it.

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