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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
i also want first day funk for this post's title but joseph already used it

i checked my friendster account just now and i found two messages: one from my hot researchmate JC, and one from whose parents decided to call him kiko. this is kiko's message:

Hello. You and I do not know each other, but i just happen to read your blogs posted and I admired your entries.. Anyways, congrats and keep on writing... have a nice day!

i am happy to receive feedback like this. i have an inkling that kiko from friendster and kixs from my shoutbox are one. kiko, thank you. =p

so what happened to me the past few days? monday was the first day of classes. my first subject as a sophomore was computer-aided engineering. basically we'll be using autocad. our prof was very enthusiastic and entertaining during the introductory lecture, so i have high hopes for this module. wayne said autocad nowadays is idiot-friendly, so thank God.

next up was engineering and uncertainty analysis. the first time i looked at my modules listing, i was happy because i didn't see the word 'mathematics'. but then, just like a wolf in a sheep's clothing, engineering and uncertainty analysis turns out to be level 2000 mathematics. toink! it was a grueling 2-hour introductory lecture. okay, it was supposed to be an introductory lecture, but our inconsiderate, boring lecturer rambled right on the real stuff the module was all about. i was expecting the first day of classes to be tantamount to frolicking on the shore, but our prof made us dive right deep down marianas trench. i remember being pissed and bored to tears at the same time. one senior also advised me that this module is 'cheem', and i don't know what that really means, but based on context clues i figure she means the module's sort of tough and not to be taken lightly.

then hydraulics. i don't remember much about the first meeting.

last lecture for the day was infrastructure and the environment. also don't remember much, just the usual lecture i think. but i want to like this module because it has the word environment in it, and i want to major in environmental engineering.

no tutorials yet til week 3, so we were dismissed earlier. as you can see, my mondays are quite heavy.'s just another manic monday..

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