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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
it's my life.

i am blogging this not because i don't have anything else to do, but because i think this is one of the most important things i'm ever going to write about. this is concerning my future, the path i'm going to take in this journey called life.

i just came from this compelling seminar, and i learned that 95% of the people want/wish/hope/aspire to succeed, but only 5% are committed to do so. then better be at the latter group as there is less competition! for those committed to succeed, success for them is a must.

tonight, i commit myself to succeed in life. i know that success is relative and is a meter stick set by other people. some definitions would be raking in mega bucks and a more than comfortable early retirement. therefore, it is important that i define what success is for me.

success is when i have already immensely contributed to the development of my city (General Santos City) by being a competent and effective environmental engineer and urban planner. i've written this sentence for the third time already. it was not by accident that i was dumped into this course. they say God works in mysterious ways, and i acknowledge that my being in civil engineering is one of those instances. because i am in civil, i can major in environmental engineering, which i think is what i want to do after all. just as what my mother said, maybe God placed me here to take care of mother earth. as civil engineers construct buildings, bridges, and other structures, i have to ensure that the urbanization of a certain region would have the least detrimental environmental impact. there is actually another environmental engineering department altogether, but it's still better i'm in civil because i get to be with my bunch of friends- siaw ling, edina, rotana, and sundeep - while still being able to branch into environmental.

after i graduate from NUS, of course i won't go back to my hometown straight away. i am not a fool. almost everyone in my country clamors to get out to seek greener pastures. as the demand for civil engineers here in singapore may be small, then maybe i'll go someplace else. while working, i will be concurrently doing my post-graduate studies. doing post-grad studies is not an impossiblity for me anymore, as there was this girl who was in the lower second-class honours in her final year but still got a scholarship for her master's and continued on to have a PhD. i am going to get my hands dirty and immerse myself to have lots of experience with my field of work. after i can finally call myself an expert in my field, maybe after 10 years after i finish my studies, or when i have already reached my first million dollars, whichever is earlier, i'll go back home and team up with other engineers to create whoa!-inducing (aesthetically pleasant) and of course functional structures to be built in my city. i am excited to do this as my city doesn't have any high-rise structures yet to date. maybe it is God's will that i be part of the construction of the pioneering skycrapers in my city.

so now i have these goals. now i have to take massive action with a strategy that works. take massive action, because action always produces results. do nothing then no results too, right. but results could either be results i want, or results i don't want. so i must also have a strategy. if i fail, then it means my initial strategy doesn't work, so i just have to change it. it may sound so simple, but i know the path won't be easy and i'll be faced with maybe a gazillion temporary setbacks. operative word: temporary.

but if things won't really work out the way i want it anyhow, then at least i would still be surely better off than if i didn't have these plans. i will be steering myself in this direction, and i pray that Jesus will always watch over me along the way. and of course, all glory be to Him alone.

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