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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

thank you's i haven't uttered before, or just want to say again. you may find yours below.

thank you for picking up my fork when i dropped it while we were having lunch together.
thank you for skinning the frog for my assignment. i owe you my grade.
thank you for sticking that encouragement on my door after my exams were all over.
thank you for not getting angry when i illegally entered your room and used your printer.
thank you for treating me to a night spot when i was dead broke.
thank you for the hi's and hello's and good nights's and good morning's and the international sms.
thank you for patiently revising our major modules with me.
thank you for the hot pink wrist band.
thank you for sensing when i'm down and lonely and hugging me.
thank you for volunteering to help me find a job.
thank you for talking rubbish.
thank you for going to the park with me on my birthday.
thank you for treating me a mcdonald's sundae cone.
thank you for your nice haircut.
thank you for your booba imitation that would always make me laugh.
thank you for thinking of me as 'scrat' of the movie ice age.
thank you for buying me chocolate whenever we go to 7-11.
thank you for being the cousin i can most relate to.
thank you for being the only 30-year-old who can give me butterflies in my stomach.
thank you for being my first love.
thank you for massaging me when i get sick.
thank you for working very hard to give us a good life.
thank you for being my kuya.
thank you for being my ate.
thank you for being payatot yet musculado, high IQ yet dungol, gwapo yet kenkoy, and very loving all at the same time.
thank you for the pink teddy bear, which i hope would be the last stuffed toy i'd be getting as a gift.
thank you for letting me sleep in D-block when i first arrived in KR and the hall office was already closed, even though that's not standard procedure.
thank you for loving me.

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