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Thursday, September 08, 2005
incoherent thoughts but don't care what.

sundeep just told me that he is now the official takraw captain for team KR in the inter-hall games. good for him. i remember last year, he asked people to come down and support KR during the takraw match. i decided to come, initially for two reasons: because he's my friend (just like when i go to a volleyball match if ivy's playing), and to show support to KR. when i arrived at MPSH # (dunno what number) where the games were being held, i was a bit surprised because there were very few people and i was the only female KR supporter! ok, rina was there, but that's because she's a member of sports management unit so she should be there. and the thing is, KR still wasn't playing at that time. i was deliberating whether to just skip the game and go home, or stay on and put up with the awkwardness i was feeling. turned out that i did a little bit of both. i went back to the hall to eat first and change my clothes, then returned to show my support.

about the clothes i was wearing that day. well, i purposely wore my favorite blue body-hugging sleeveless top. haha. i wanted to look good because i knew jimmy is also a takraw player. so here is what happened when i entered mpsh. i was carrying my bag and all my stuff because i just came straight from classes, walking slowly while scanning the hall for KR people. i was conscious with the way i walked, must be breast out stomach in, chin up but must look innocently sweet, because who knows who might be staring. turns out my efforts were not in vain. i don't know what jimmy thought when he saw me, but now i know at least one person appreciated my efforts of looking good that day. sundeep later on told me that his friend, also one of the takraw players, asked him who i was and showed interest in getting to know me better. haha. but he never did. maybe the next day i became ugly what, or reverted to my usual self.

sundeep also told me that this year, he's trying out for softball, because there's a chance he might not get into soccer IHG because of his knee injury. at first he really found it hard to accept that he won't be playing soccer as much as before, because it's his passion. everytime he logs on the internet he never fails to check out - i'd bet my life on this statement.

oh yeah, by the way, a while ago he was wearing the soccer shirt i gave him as a parting gift (?, coz we won't be seeing much of each other during summer break). that adidas shirt burned a hole in my pocket. remember i don't really buy branded clothes for myself? the two most expensive pieces of apparel i bought with my own money weren't for myself. they were for jenni and sundeep. yeah i don't know why i feel guilty if i spend so much for myself. maybe these people really are special what.


my english is deteriorating! now i'm prone to using shortcuts in conversations, such as "why you so angry?", and what is "what" doing at the end of my sentences? cannot stop it what! pardon my wrong grammers and miSpellings too.

oh yeah, when i was in 5th grade my teacher once said "nobody is ferfect." how true.

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