I'm 21 this year. Yoohooness! Philippines is my home, but right now I'm in this tiny red dot so-called 'Singapore'. I'm a Civil Engineer in the making. NOT! Sidney Sheldon is the Master Storyteller for me. I would eat anything that is on top of pizza, and my official title at home is Mango Float Finisher. I love Jesus, and I am a work in progress. I am far from perfect, am very stubborn sometimes, and I tend to forget NOT to lean on my own understanding. It is only through God's grace that I could get up each time that I fall. I am very much a family person too, and I treasure my friends. Despite inevitable hiccups here and there, life is beautiful.
Say goodbye to unsightly braces, now you may barely be able to see them. BioMers’ braces are translucent, therefore they are nearly invisible. Yet, they are strong enough to straighten teeth effectively...
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