I'm 21 this year. Yoohooness! Philippines is my home, but right now I'm in this tiny red dot so-called 'Singapore'. I'm a Civil Engineer in the making. NOT! Sidney Sheldon is the Master Storyteller for me. I would eat anything that is on top of pizza, and my official title at home is Mango Float Finisher. I love Jesus, and I am a work in progress. I am far from perfect, am very stubborn sometimes, and I tend to forget NOT to lean on my own understanding. It is only through God's grace that I could get up each time that I fall. I am very much a family person too, and I treasure my friends. Despite inevitable hiccups here and there, life is beautiful.
1 Comment(s):
hmmm... seems like a sad or upset or frustrated or none of the said emotions post... hope you doing ok now... if anything, im just an sms away ya?
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