It is finished.
Thank you God.
Our CE3101 presentation is over already. We are all so very tired. Tomorrow is the start of the Reading Week, and I intend to live up to its name. I seriously haven't started revising for my exams yet due to the project, but now that it's out of the way, I can now mug for my finals. I have an exam next Friday already....oh no!
My reason for blogging today is that I just want to share what Edina said a while ago. We were at the Engin foyer waiting for our presentation to commence, and we were all getting fidgety and restless. Then she said something like she's quite scared or something, then I replied by saying "just be positive" or something like that. Then she brightened her face with that big smile of hers, patted my shoulder, and exclaimed "Oh yeah, with God all things are possible." You will only truly appreciate this statement if you know that we don't usually talk about God in front of our other friends because the rest of them have their own beliefs, and they don't want other people's faiths being shoved to their faces.
I can't even make a wild guess about what our final grade will be, because all the other groups are also very good. But I think we'll be fine because we were able to please our module supervisor and another judge, but there was this judge who was a tough nut to crack. But everyone else suffered from him anyway.
Anyway I'm going to sleep now. I need to recharge myself before intense mugging starting tomorrow. See you after the exams bloggie. =)
Again, thank you Lord.
By the way here is our group's A1-size poster that Rotana and I made. It would look quite tiny here, though. Hee, all the drawings inside the poster were painstakingly made by us (we took our raw materials from the internet, especially the Sentosa cartoon map, and modified them to suit us), that's why I'm quite proud of this. Too bad we won't get to keep the printed poster because it would become NUS property.

Thank you God.
Our CE3101 presentation is over already. We are all so very tired. Tomorrow is the start of the Reading Week, and I intend to live up to its name. I seriously haven't started revising for my exams yet due to the project, but now that it's out of the way, I can now mug for my finals. I have an exam next Friday already....oh no!
My reason for blogging today is that I just want to share what Edina said a while ago. We were at the Engin foyer waiting for our presentation to commence, and we were all getting fidgety and restless. Then she said something like she's quite scared or something, then I replied by saying "just be positive" or something like that. Then she brightened her face with that big smile of hers, patted my shoulder, and exclaimed "Oh yeah, with God all things are possible." You will only truly appreciate this statement if you know that we don't usually talk about God in front of our other friends because the rest of them have their own beliefs, and they don't want other people's faiths being shoved to their faces.
I can't even make a wild guess about what our final grade will be, because all the other groups are also very good. But I think we'll be fine because we were able to please our module supervisor and another judge, but there was this judge who was a tough nut to crack. But everyone else suffered from him anyway.
Anyway I'm going to sleep now. I need to recharge myself before intense mugging starting tomorrow. See you after the exams bloggie. =)
Again, thank you Lord.
By the way here is our group's A1-size poster that Rotana and I made. It would look quite tiny here, though. Hee, all the drawings inside the poster were painstakingly made by us (we took our raw materials from the internet, especially the Sentosa cartoon map, and modified them to suit us), that's why I'm quite proud of this. Too bad we won't get to keep the printed poster because it would become NUS property.

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