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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Whoa. I haven't checked my blog for a while and I'm surprised and even more honored to see Mr Teh tagging in my blog!!! My initial reaction was, "whoa! how?", then I went to check my blog counter and there I found Google Finance as the referrer. Well what can I say...hehe thank you for gracing my blog with your words. They mean a lot to the little girl who wants to make it big one day.

Been very busy with the project to die for. Tomorrow's the big presentation day already! I even saw a poster in one of the Engin lifts promoting this event. It went something like "What do Civil Engineering students study?...Come and see how our students envision an integrated resort in Sentosa..." or something like that. Initial reaction: YIKES! They're really expecting a lot from us. It will be at the Engin foyer, and each group will pin up our never-say-die poster. We'll present using our poster and supplementary powerpoint slides, and we'll be wearing business clothes...woooo...

This whole project is a module in itself, which means we will get an A, B,.. (ok I won't try to venture out on other possibilities anymore) in our transcript for this. It is really challenging and much hard work and A LOT of time was really spent on this. Just its sense of urgency and importance kept me going til 6:30 am for many days even without drinking my Red Bull. (I don't know how on earth Sundeep lasts til 8 am.) So yup, presentation day tomorrow, which is well, the final exam for this module.

I must say I'm also very happy and grateful that I'm doing this project with my closest friends in engin. We go through the pits together yet we have fun along the way. As this one-year project is coming to a close, allow me to say..

Sundeep, Edina, Rotana, and Siaw Ling...yoohoo we rock!

God please be with us during our presentation. Please give us confidence and help us speak well while presenting. Please help us answer to the judges' satisfaction when they shoot us with questions. Please don't let all our efforts be in vain. All glory and honor to you alone, Amen.

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