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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

*Sigh* I still need a lot of things to do for my online ventures to really take off. It's getting frustrating already. See, I have this so-called business plan that I should follow...but you know, I skipped some steps just because I was very excited to have a website show people and myself that I really am doing something. However, what I've done so far is comparable to opening a restaurant and sitting on the main counter everyday, getting depressed because no one is coming in to order. Some people do peep in, curious because someone had set up a new establishment around the neighborhood, look inside and see nothing, and go about their merry way. Of course I cannot blame them, for there really is nothing to see at this moment. It's like a restaurant trying to sell sandwiches, pizza, steamed rice, shampoo, and all other sorts of unrelated products. There is no clear target market yet, and no one can derive any value from it yet (save for the owner of the building who leased it to the restaurant owner).

Okay, maybe initially my main motivation was money...but now I want to create something more. I want to create value. But it's hard, because it entails a lot of thinking and a lot of research. It entails me to find a problem and solve it, to find a want and fill it. And that is just the beginning.

You know I have this blue notebook. It's actually a freebie by the DSTA (I believe most NUS students who went to last semester's career fair have it). Well, I've used up all its pages already for my 'online marketing' notes when I was trying to educate myself about this stuff last summer. There are a lot of valuable stuff inside, but I have yet to implement most of the stuff. And surprisingly (or maybe not), most of the materials covered in the introductory lectures of my formal Entrepreneurial Marketing module this semester are the same stuff in my blue notebook. That boosted my confidence in the contents of my blue notebook (crappy handwriting, hastily written) and I realized that business principles online and offline are the same (and I hear a loud DUH from the audience).

Anyway, it is during these moments that I live by what I'd told myself as I was starting all of this. I mean, it's very easy to say "never say die" or "never give up" when there's nothing challenging you to do so. But you see, when feelings of doubt about yourself and your own capabilities come crouching at your doorstep, it's another story altogether.

I'm going to need to reread my business plan again and implement it step by step. Why do I need to rush anyway? If people go to university and spend 3-4 years learning how to become a scientist, sociologist, engineer, or whatever profession, why can't I allow myself to take my time to learn this thing too?

Perseverance. Easy to say, difficult to live by.

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