Okay, since I haven't been keeping my word about not blogging until after my exams, then just ignore what I said. At times when I'm happy and I feel like sharing some good news, I am hindered by the fact that I said "I will not blog blah-blah". But when something bad crops up and I feel like cussing, I do blog anyway. (Oh yeah, but I deleted that post already). But it's better to blog about good stuff ayt? So here goes.
I am happy for many reasons:
1.) Mama's visa got approved and she's flying off to the States on the 13th. Yay! I know she's very excited to go. Her plans almost didn't push through because of ME, and I am very happy that she's finally going for sure.
2.) My group for my entrepreneurial marketing class is the best group in class. Really. Haha.=) We just had our final presentation for this semester, and we delivered a very grandiose presentation. All the other groups paled in comparison. And all of this can be attributed to the Amazing Twins. I learned A LOT from them. They are very particular about the minutest of details. They always overdeliver. Okay, sometimes I think they are slavedrivers because we always have to stay up so late for this and that. However, I don't have any right to complain actually, because they've put in way, way more effort in our project than I did. They have the initiative to do all sorts of things to set our group apart from others.
We are team number 1, so we get to present ahead of everyone. And we ALWAYS set the benchmark for the whole class in all of the activities. I think today, we set the benchmark too high. When Prof Cheng entered the class and saw all our props and paraphernalia, she kept on exclaiming "WOW". Our classmates were also amazed. Even I was impressed with our own presentation.
So basically our business idea is a fruit-themed pastry cafe, and we call it FruitConnex. Here is the final logo I designed:

And here is the screenshot of the mock website I made:

I hosted our mock website in my personal hosting account. I used a subdomain of kgeventures.com, and that's why my business blog is down again because it is hosted in a server different from the one where our project is hosted. I only have one domain name and I borrowed it for a while for this project.
You can visit it at kgeventures.com/fruitconnex, but it won't be there for long because I'm transferring the domain back to the other server soon. Anyway, there's also nothing much to see, and I feel bad about it actually...because I think I fell short of my groupmates' expectations. I volunteered for this job, and I was excited at first. But as time progressed, I didn't think the mock website is really essential because it's just one of the accessories for our 25-min presentation. So erm, I just made a rush-rush kind of job when I could have made it a lot better.
So anyway, for our marketing plan presentation, our outstanding "extras" included a 3D model of our pastry shop, and of course our mock website. I mean, other groups said they're also going to have a website for their products/services but they didn't show any. Our props also included a smorgasbord of yummy cakes and pastries for food sampling (which the twins and their mother baked), a colorful menu, membership cards, a banner, fruits for decoration...yep the visual presentation of our products is very nice. And it made the room smell good too. One classmate even commented that we were very smart to serve the pastry samples during QnA session, which I think distracted them and kept them from asking tough questions haha.
I think my Entrepreneurial Marketing module is my favorite for this sem=)
Anyway, the final marketing plan is due next Wednesday (yeah quite weird, the presentation came first before the plan submission)...and the twins said our final plan must be as impressive as our presentation. The draft that we submitted today is very good already, but okay...must not be too complacent. It's not totally over yet.
3.) Okay, with regards to my core engineering modules...well what the heck. Last week, I submitted a lab report for Transportation Engineering with my quality control gone haywire. Submitting a box of cow dung instead to the lab assistant wouldn't have made any difference. Next week I have a test for Water and Wastewater Engineering (they placed the test too late already, but never mind. I'll take it as revising for the exams). Actually, I refuse to think that I am in deep trouble already, because worrying about stuff will only make matters worse. But sometimes it's quite dangerous because I'm very apathetic already towards my engineering subjects. I, uh, need to give myself some (or A LOT OF) push to study for my major subjects.
Oh yeah, I was with Sundeep a while ago, and I saw his group's project for Reinforced Concrete Design. They were tasked to design a bridge...and well, everything is just pages and pages and a lot more pages of equations and calculations that they solved themselves. Actually, I am the only one in our group of friends who didn't take this subject, because I promised myself I'll never, ever take any more Structural Engineering subjects. When I saw their project, it was a confirmation that I'm really not going into Civil Engineering. Really.
However, as of the moment, I know I have to deal with my engineering modules even if I
My mother forwarded me something in the email and I found it inspiring. The gist of the message is that there's no better time to be happy than now. Sometimes people think that after I finish school, or after I get married, or after (insert any phase of your life), I'll be happy. But actually, happiness is not a destination...it is the voyage itself.
So yeah, despite all crappy things, there's no better time to be happy than now.
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