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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Gong Xi Fa Cai

Now I know why people commit suicide during Christmas Eve.

Today's Chinese New Year's Eve, and I'm not even Chinese. But being alone at this moment really sucks.

The Pinoy people went out. Yup Arthur invited me, but I graciously declined because I was doing some research at the library a while ago, and I also had to go to our youth meeting in the afternoon til evening. AND today's supposed to be devoted to lab report writing.

But as I was walking back to PGP, I met ROTANA (my super studious Dean's Lister friend)along the way, and HE'S GOING OUT TONIGHT!!! AIYAH. He's also not Chinese! So disappointing. Why didn't I do my lab report earlier so I could celebrate with the majority of the people living here in Singapore? But actually, I really didn't have any time for other things the previous weeks because of our interim presentation to the 'Ministerial Committee', which THANK GOD is over and done with already. I devoted all my time doing flash and other 'ornaments' for our website.

AAAAAArgh. Should I call Sundeep and invite him out or not? No..I should do my lab report and catch up on lectures and tutorials. But PGP is deserted and quiet. Everyone's out there having fun. I thought I'd have the advantage over my Chinese classmates of getting more things done over the long weekend...but walau...this feeling of being left out in the celebrations is crippling me. I also want to go out and watch some fireworks display...or watch a movie...or just go out there in the streets and savour the festive mood.

But no...I am stuck here in my room with 2 lab reports to do because of my poor time management.

And by the way, my thumb drive has been found (yey!), but I lost a CD I borrowed from the library. I'm supposed to buy the book version of the CD as well, because you can only have the CD if you buy the book. I don't know what's happening to me, why I keep on losing stuff nowadays.

If I lose another thing, especially one NOT owned by me, PLEASE FRY ME okay.

On normal nights, I would have really been pissed by my anonymous blockmate's loud playing of music, but tonight I take solace in what I had considered nuisance.

Yey, I'm not alone in my block.

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