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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Bad Day, For What?

Something amazing happened today. God truly works in mysterious ways. See, this morning at 10 am, we were supposed to have a group meeting for our upcoming presentation for my Entrepreneurial Marketing module. It is still a mystery why my trusty alarm clock didn't work, and I woke up at 10:08am. HORROR! I didn't even have a time to take a shower (which is sort of an atrocity for me, not showering in the morning). I rushed to our meeting place and in the end, we had a not-so-fruitful meeting.

When I got back to my place, I realized a very horrible thing. My keys are nowhere to be found inside my bag. I was frantically looking all over the place. F**King S*it WHERE ARE MY G**DAM*ED KEYS?!!! I tell you I've never uttered more curse words in my whole life than at that moment. I was past boiling point. Anyway to cut the long story short, I went to the hall office and got another key, which cost me 60 whopping dollars.

That afternoon, the memories of all my life's screw-ups came back, and I felt like s*it. I poured out everything to Him, that I felt so worthless and insignificant. I felt like I am up to no good, and that even if I suddenly die, no one would bother. Everything just didn't turn out well recently, and I was having a very bad day. Some more, I didn't understand why I had to lose my keys and pay $60.

Then after much shedding of tears, reading the Bible, and putting make-up back on so I'd look refreshed, I decided to get back on with my life and do my lab report. Okay until now I haven't done that yet, because something amazing happened. My room door was wide open, but someone still knocked anyway. And that person was holding my lost keys!!! I got mixed emotions, because by default my lost keys are already useless at this point. But I was still happy anyway, and as the guy was leaving I asked for his name.

He said: "Jacob". The name rang a bell in my head.
Me: "Did you go for NOC?"
Jacob: "Yeah. I was one of the pioneering batch that went to Stockholm." I KNEW IT! (While doing my research as preparation for NOC, I came across his name many times. Too bad I didn't get in the program.)

Then we had a little chat and off he went his merry way. SO. I had to lose my keys and pay 60 bucks to meet Jacob is it?!

Dunno why leh. But I believe this experience is more than this chance encounter, and I am still amazed at how God works in mysterious ways. I am also sorry for all the profanity I privately uttered to God.

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