Me: Ey Bush is coming to NUS!
Anonymous Friend: Oh yeah, and he's coming with his wife, Hilary Duff...

Ok, first of all, Bush's wife is Laura, not Hilary. And second of all, the Hilary first lady is Hillary Clinton, not the teenybopper singer-slash-actress Hilary Duff.
My friend gave me a good laugh, though=).
So, yeah Bush did come to NUS. In fact, Sundeep and I just finished watching him give a speech about world economics, power supply and whatnot...and of course extremism, weapons of mass destruction, and war and terrorism.
I wanted to heed my father's advice about taking a photo with him, but alas, that is not to be.
Security is too tight lor!!! They also don't just anyhow invite people. Must be a bigwig (like if you're an ambassador or diplomat or what)..and for the case of students, must be from USP (University Scholars Programme) or Faculty of Law....AND MUST BE IN THE DEAN'S LIST SOMEMORE!!!
Anyhoo, I dragged Sundeep along as I spied UCC (University Cultural Centre, where the event was held) from afar. Coz you see, they diverted the bus routes and placed big police armor vehicles as roadblocks, such that no vehicles can pass through anywhere near UCC. While we were pretending to "pass by", Sundeep commented that that is probably the closest he could get near Bush, ever. So we were like, 50 m from UCC? Sorry I'm lousy in gauging distances...but that is the closest we could get because if I walk further I would be stepping on the policeman's foot. (kidding).
Oh yeah, and I've never seen so many policemen at one place in Singapore. I mean, it is a rare occurence seeing more than 2 policemen together just loitering around in public. Supermarkets and malls don't even have security guards at the doors, except maybe at very high end malls like Takashimaya where I cannot afford to buy any single item. It's like, you know, policemen cannot be seen, but ironically you know that security in Singapore is very tight and I somehow feel safer walking in the streets here even at 3 am (and ALONE at that) than back home at 7 pm.
And one more thing, my groupmates the "Amazing Twins" not surprisingly GOT invited to see George W Bush. Yup, they are of that calibre...man they are like the ideal groupmates. Haha...coz I'm really very confident about our Marketing Plan project. Woohoo.
Okay I'm going back to the library soon. I left my stuff there on purpose so you know, I would need to go back. HEE.
In God We Trust.
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