This is the reason why I was so happy last Monday:

Ok, actually, I just got the confirmation today. Last Saturday was the first interview. An American guy working with the NUS Development Office called me. Fortunately, when he called, I was just sitting in front of my computer idling about. When he asked me whether it was a good time for the interview, I said yes, though in my mind I was thinking "Uh-oh", not because I was frightened of his possible questions, but because I was still wearing this mouthpiece I wear every night (bite block, as what my dentist calls it). There's some kind of weirdness going on when I try to talk with a device in my mouth that's keeping my upper and lower teeth from touching each other. But thank God, I managed to speak with him normally.
I want to forget my answers to the initial hypothetical questions he asked me, though. My thoughts were a bit disorganized, and he just replied with a polite "O-kay..", with which I sensed an absence of satisfaction. But then, good thing is that halfway through I told myself to straighten up, just pretend he is just another fellow you talk to on the phone. I told myself not to think so much that this is an interview, just a casual phone conversation. And it worked! The second half of our conversation was fluid, and I even noticed the change in the tone of my voice from being nervous to being more spontaneous. He also asked me if he could put my name down for another phone interview with a woman from London. Of course I said yes, because maybe I would lessen my chances of getting hired if I declined. Then when the interview was ending, I even casually mentioned "I hope I get selected!", with which he replied "Yeah, I hope you do too!".
Then Monday comes. The guy told me the call would probably take place between 4-8pm. Around 5pm my phone rang, and the caller ID showed a number with a country code of (+44). This must be it! So I picked up and spoke to a woman with a British accent. And yada-yada. Thank God again, the interview went great.=) She even told me that they will contact me shortly of the timing for the training sessions. That's when I became very happy, because it sparked a ray of hope that I'd likely get the job. She wouldn't tell me that if she didn't seriously consider me, right?! Heehee but still, I tried to thwart my heightened expectations because I might just get hurt otherwise.
But really, it was a moment of personal victory for me (haha) because I battled with my English. Okay, okay...maybe it's not a big deal, because most Filipinos supposedly are good in English. But when I remember that painful *sob* memory when I was about 6 years old, that certain day when I left my school ID at home and a Student Police in girl scout uniform came to arrest me because of that..(haha)..
Well, she asked me in English, "Where's your ID?".
My gosh, I felt like crying, because I didn't know how to answer her. Apart from having a "Wear your ID inside school premises all the time" rule, our school also had "Speak English in the morning, Chinese in the afternoon" rule (or was it the other way around?). I tried to grapple for the right English words, but I failed miserably. Instead, I answered her in vernacular, "Nasa bahay", with flustered cheeks and all.
Well, after 15 years, I'd very much like to face her again to tell her "AT HOME! I LEFT MY ID AT HOME AND I'M SORRY".
There. Did I say that correctly? Yay!!!
Anyway, I'm really happy that I'd get to participate in Annual Giving '06. The campaign is until March, and after that, whatever gifts the department gets is considered part of Annual Giving '07 already. I am looking forward to being part of something that seems worthwhile, because Annual Giving is actually for NUS Student Bursaries Fund. I know how it is to study with the help of other people's finances. I won't be here in the first place if it weren't for my scholarship. I learned that even though Singapore is a very affluent society in general, there are of course students who still struggle to get a good education. I remember the times I was complaining of the myriad of school things I needed to do, but I've read some students actually work the graveyard shift as hotel attendants or cashiers just to support their studies. I mean, when do they set time for studying their lessons after class? Isn't it very tiring to go to school in the morning when they've worked all night?
Anyway, it's one way to give back to Singapore society by helping to support its students, because in fact, it's the Singapore government (ergo the Singapore people) that fully funds my studies here.
And of course, the remuneration for this part-time job would come in handy for covering my US VISA application. I've also received the email about my flight booking to and from the States, and well...the fare is quite expensive...If you ask me, I don't know where to get the money. I am shy to ask my parents because I know they've spent so much just this December holidays, but well, I can't rob a bank, right? Last time I also asked my mother about this, she said she also doesn't know where the money for my fare will come from, but she has good faith that the Lord will provide if He really wills that I go. after typing this I will talk to them about it.
So, there's a mandatory training this Saturday and Sunday, from 10am to 5pm. I would have to miss my Youth meeting (if there's any), and church.=(. But I did keep the following Saturday afternoons and whole Sundays free, so that I could you know, reserve a special time for God. I just can't express how grateful I am. He really is so gracious to me. THREE times I have bargained MY LIFE for some stupid thing I did. Three times I was about to destroy the "me" that people knew if He didn't come to my rescue. Anyway, maybe I'll get to share this story, maybe when I am forty or something. Haha. Maybe this is why I want to make it up to Him.
Anyway, I don't understand why I want to always deny it when my birthday is coming up. A more apt reaction should be that of rejoicing right..hehe well, I will just cheerfully call up NUS alumni on my birthday, because that's the first day of our Phonathon. I put up all weekday evenings, some weekday mornings, and all saturday mornings as my available slots, but my actual assigned shifts aren't out yet. I think it should be alright with regards to school work, because this Phonathon campaign will run for only three weeks.
By the way, I also appreciate it that they gave us this fancy name 'NUS Student Ambassador'. It kind of makes you want to live up to the name and thus strive to give it your best shot. Haha. I know I would.

Ok, actually, I just got the confirmation today. Last Saturday was the first interview. An American guy working with the NUS Development Office called me. Fortunately, when he called, I was just sitting in front of my computer idling about. When he asked me whether it was a good time for the interview, I said yes, though in my mind I was thinking "Uh-oh", not because I was frightened of his possible questions, but because I was still wearing this mouthpiece I wear every night (bite block, as what my dentist calls it). There's some kind of weirdness going on when I try to talk with a device in my mouth that's keeping my upper and lower teeth from touching each other. But thank God, I managed to speak with him normally.
I want to forget my answers to the initial hypothetical questions he asked me, though. My thoughts were a bit disorganized, and he just replied with a polite "O-kay..", with which I sensed an absence of satisfaction. But then, good thing is that halfway through I told myself to straighten up, just pretend he is just another fellow you talk to on the phone. I told myself not to think so much that this is an interview, just a casual phone conversation. And it worked! The second half of our conversation was fluid, and I even noticed the change in the tone of my voice from being nervous to being more spontaneous. He also asked me if he could put my name down for another phone interview with a woman from London. Of course I said yes, because maybe I would lessen my chances of getting hired if I declined. Then when the interview was ending, I even casually mentioned "I hope I get selected!", with which he replied "Yeah, I hope you do too!".
Then Monday comes. The guy told me the call would probably take place between 4-8pm. Around 5pm my phone rang, and the caller ID showed a number with a country code of (+44). This must be it! So I picked up and spoke to a woman with a British accent. And yada-yada. Thank God again, the interview went great.=) She even told me that they will contact me shortly of the timing for the training sessions. That's when I became very happy, because it sparked a ray of hope that I'd likely get the job. She wouldn't tell me that if she didn't seriously consider me, right?! Heehee but still, I tried to thwart my heightened expectations because I might just get hurt otherwise.
But really, it was a moment of personal victory for me (haha) because I battled with my English. Okay, okay...maybe it's not a big deal, because most Filipinos supposedly are good in English. But when I remember that painful *sob* memory when I was about 6 years old, that certain day when I left my school ID at home and a Student Police in girl scout uniform came to arrest me because of that..(haha)..
Well, she asked me in English, "Where's your ID?".
My gosh, I felt like crying, because I didn't know how to answer her. Apart from having a "Wear your ID inside school premises all the time" rule, our school also had "Speak English in the morning, Chinese in the afternoon" rule (or was it the other way around?). I tried to grapple for the right English words, but I failed miserably. Instead, I answered her in vernacular, "Nasa bahay", with flustered cheeks and all.
Well, after 15 years, I'd very much like to face her again to tell her "AT HOME! I LEFT MY ID AT HOME AND I'M SORRY".
There. Did I say that correctly? Yay!!!
Anyway, I'm really happy that I'd get to participate in Annual Giving '06. The campaign is until March, and after that, whatever gifts the department gets is considered part of Annual Giving '07 already. I am looking forward to being part of something that seems worthwhile, because Annual Giving is actually for NUS Student Bursaries Fund. I know how it is to study with the help of other people's finances. I won't be here in the first place if it weren't for my scholarship. I learned that even though Singapore is a very affluent society in general, there are of course students who still struggle to get a good education. I remember the times I was complaining of the myriad of school things I needed to do, but I've read some students actually work the graveyard shift as hotel attendants or cashiers just to support their studies. I mean, when do they set time for studying their lessons after class? Isn't it very tiring to go to school in the morning when they've worked all night?
Anyway, it's one way to give back to Singapore society by helping to support its students, because in fact, it's the Singapore government (ergo the Singapore people) that fully funds my studies here.
And of course, the remuneration for this part-time job would come in handy for covering my US VISA application. I've also received the email about my flight booking to and from the States, and well...the fare is quite expensive...If you ask me, I don't know where to get the money. I am shy to ask my parents because I know they've spent so much just this December holidays, but well, I can't rob a bank, right? Last time I also asked my mother about this, she said she also doesn't know where the money for my fare will come from, but she has good faith that the Lord will provide if He really wills that I go. after typing this I will talk to them about it.
So, there's a mandatory training this Saturday and Sunday, from 10am to 5pm. I would have to miss my Youth meeting (if there's any), and church.=(. But I did keep the following Saturday afternoons and whole Sundays free, so that I could you know, reserve a special time for God. I just can't express how grateful I am. He really is so gracious to me. THREE times I have bargained MY LIFE for some stupid thing I did. Three times I was about to destroy the "me" that people knew if He didn't come to my rescue. Anyway, maybe I'll get to share this story, maybe when I am forty or something. Haha. Maybe this is why I want to make it up to Him.
Anyway, I don't understand why I want to always deny it when my birthday is coming up. A more apt reaction should be that of rejoicing right..hehe well, I will just cheerfully call up NUS alumni on my birthday, because that's the first day of our Phonathon. I put up all weekday evenings, some weekday mornings, and all saturday mornings as my available slots, but my actual assigned shifts aren't out yet. I think it should be alright with regards to school work, because this Phonathon campaign will run for only three weeks.
By the way, I also appreciate it that they gave us this fancy name 'NUS Student Ambassador'. It kind of makes you want to live up to the name and thus strive to give it your best shot. Haha. I know I would.
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