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Saturday, September 02, 2006
what a day

Eventful day. NUS Overseas Colleges interview (keeping mum for now - must not be overly enthusiastic lest I break my heart in the end.. but I want to thank God for being with me). Meeting with people from my scholarship sponsor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Preview of the Internet Marketing Convention by Stuart Tan.

I'll talk about the last eventful event I had today. So I got an sms today regarding the seminar preview about IM. After meeting up with the MFA people for what else, my grades -even though my lowest grade last sem was a B-, I decided to attend the seminar since I want to know the Internet Marketing happenings here in Singapore (besides, I was already wearing a business attire due to my first two appointments). I took a cab (which reminds me, I spent a grand total of $20 for cab fare today, which is equivalent to 7 lunches already..haiz) to go to and from MFA, because it's not very accessible by public transport. And as anyone who knows me too well, I don't have the greatest sense of direction either, so taking a cab to get there was my best bet.

The seminar was held at Adam Khoo Technologies Learning Center somewhere in Tanjong Pagar. A little background info about this Adam Khoo guy...he is an entrepreneur, a best-selling author and a peak performance trainer. A self-made millionaire by the age of 26 and now a multi-millionaire at the age of 31, he owns and runs 3 different companies with a combined annual turnover of $20 million. Once in a while he comes here in NUS to give talks and preview seminars, and that's how I got to meet him. He is really amazing, being an underachiever and kicked out of primary school, then decided to change the course of his seemingly bleak future...and look at him now, he is way over than an over-achiever. He was even at the top 1% when he graduated from NUS Business School. ANYWAY.

Stuart Tan also runs the company founded by Adam Khoo, and both of them are highly sought-after motivational speakers and trainers here in Singapore. They train all sorts of people -from kids to them that don corporate suits- to excel in whatever field they're in, and in life in general. Both of them have a very high reputation in society.

And that is why, I was all the more happy when I learned that they're also venturing in Internet Marketing. They are putting their reputation at stake in educating people about internet marketing. It gives me this affirmation that yes, internet marketing is a real option you can have to start your own business, even if you don't have any business inclination in the past whatsoever (like me). What I have is the passion to learn the nuts and bolts of this emerging landscape of doing business.

There were around 80 people who attended the seminar, and most of them are working professionals my parents' age. There were only 3 'kids' in the audience, me included of course. Stuart talked about all the things I spent more than 3 months learning myself, so I was just getting an affirmation of the things I learned rather than receiving new information. He ploughed the fields of the world wide web and reaped massive rewards after 9 months. That's impressive actually, because the other marketing gurus have usually taken years to get to the level Stuart is at right now. (But then again, he's already one extraordinary guy with loads of cash when he started internet marketing, as opposed to mere mortals like me and with little cash to spare).

I am glad that I can have a support group that I know really physically exists just around this tiny red dot of an island, as opposed to having virtual mentors in the internet. I mean, yeah I know the ones I've been corresponding with are real persons too, but I'm just glad I can talk to someone in the face rather than in the computer.

Oh yeah, I made my first 10 bucks already through the internet. Yeah I know it's close to nothing, but it's also a step closer to something I want to achieve. I tell myself to just take baby steps at a time, and before you know it things are gonna add up or even multiply. Right now I am even slowing down my pace in this business because I've got a lot of other things in my hands like school and CCAs.

For the curious souls out there, I made it through Google Adsense, just one of the ways to make money online. It is idiot-proof to sign-up and it's free somemore, just put those ad links to your site and if anyone clicks, you get a commission. A lot of people actually make a living out of Adsense, but having a good amount of traffic to your site is logically a prerequisite. This pink blog doesn't generate a lot of traffic (I'm not planning to anyway, since this blog is my personal space), and I just placed Google ads and all those colorful ads on the side for decorative purposes. Imagine, you put a decorative coinbank in your home which self-generates spare change you can use...not bad right?

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