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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
good news galore

I feel so blessed today. Don't know what I'll share first. Haha okay, in chronological order.

Last night, I checked my Friendster account and received a message from my elementary school best friend, Shirlyn. She wrote:

hi... musta na? i know it's kinda late for this but hey, as the saying goes, it's better late than never. hehehe. i just wanna say sorry for not keeping in touch... i know it's been years since we talked... well, i just missed you... i miss my best friend. hope we'll be able to keep in touch again. =)

Then a warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped me. It's very touching when someone remembers you di ba? If I'm not mistaken, it's six years already since we've drifted apart. I went to another city to study while she furthered her studies in the same school where we both attended elementary. We used to be seatmates, and during our 20-minute recess time we'd even hold hands and walk around the campus following TJ (who is two years our senior and was very hot indeed). I'd go to their house and her whole family would always make me feel welcome.

The first few months I'd been away, we wrote each other letters...until there came a point where there's been so many new things going on with our respective lives that we can't really relate to each other anymore, so we eventually drifted apart. It's sad but that's life. But now, another reason to thank Friendster. Haha!

Second great news, I already have my salary. WHOOPINESS! But it's only for the first 5 days I've worked, because the cutoff is every 15th of the month. That means I came to work 5 working days before the cutoff, so for the rest of my salary for working til the 15th of next month, I'll get in the end of next month. NEXT MONTH!Anyway, I've been waiting forever for my money to come because I've been itching to start this internet business. I've heard that it takes a lot of work (especially for buffoons like me), but I'd really devote a substantial amount of time to learn this stuff because the rewards will be great also if you don't give up so easily. I've figured that the internet is not just a fad, it's already a staple part of my daily life and it's not going away anytime soon, so I have to keep up with the times in this competitive world we live in.

And last but not the least...


Nope, not for a vacation. A golden opportunity had been thrown at my feet and I grabbed it right away. The NTU Muslim Society is inviting three non-Muslim AISECERS (AIESEC is my CCA here in NUS) to go to Banda Aceh, Indonesia - one of the places severely devastated by the terror that is the 2004 tsunami. We're going to be attached to two orphanages, and this community project is aiming to reconstruct the lives of these children and giving us volunteers the chance to make a difference.

Of course, my parents were very hesitant to allow me to go at first, because they said it's very chaotic and stuff. I would have understood them if they didn't allow me to go. I sms-ed Dei, the AIESEC NTU President about this matter, and asked him if Aceh is really as bad as portrayed by the media. He sent me an email which I forwarded to my parents, and they agreed eventually. I'll be there from 18th June to 2nd July, so I can still attend the Youth Day of course. =)

It's funny, because just yesterday when I read about the hellhole that Indonesia is in, what with the earthquake that killed about 5000 people being the lastest in its series of unfortunate events, I told myself that at the moment, Indonesia is a place where I won't want to be in. But later that night, I received an email about going there to visit the tsunami site and play with the orphans, and I replied stating my interest without thinking twice about it.

Maybe God has a greater plan for all of this. I pray that I'll be safe (as well as everyone on our team), so that my parents won't worry so much when I'm there. And I'm looking forward to be with my family in July.

Tis another happening summer=)

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