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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Making sense out of things

As I was walking about the perimeter of Sengkang MRT, I was thinking "This doesn't make any sense, God...This doesn't make any sense at all."

I don't know why God allowed me to miss the last MRT or the last bus that would take me back to NUS. He knew that I was preserving my cold, hard cash for purchasing my meals, but He still 'forced' me to use up my money for cab fare worth around 20 bucks and for my groceries amounting to 30 bucks last Sunday. I couldn't understand it, because I was thinking "I am serving you Lord, how could you let this happen?" The taxi fare and groceries from Carrefour, I could pay for those stuff through my mom's credit card, but last Sunday I couldn't use it because the credit limit has already been reached (now what does that say of me, haiz), and she already paid but I would have to wait for two more days before I could use it again, so I wasn't able to use it a while ago to pay for my cab fare.

See, we had a meeting tonight for our big youth day on the 9th of July. I am involved in the event promotion, and I just had my first taste of what it's like to be a part of, as in really part of, organizing some big church event. And last Sunday, I just came from church directly before doing my groceries.

But anyway, in retrospect, I think I should be grateful for having been given these situations when my initial reaction would have been to complain because nothing makes sense, which is exactly how I responded initially hehe. But then you see, it is during these times when you are challenged to trust God, because in His infinite wisdom He knows what He is doing and all things will work up eventually for your good.

And by the way, the cab driver who drove me back here is uber friendly. He is the friendliestEST cab driver in all of Singapore. He was supposed to go home already but I guess he took pity on me because I looked lost and tired, which is actually the case. Hehe. Bless you Mr Cab Driver. Oh yeah, his name is Mr Lim Hee Joo, and if you need a ride just call this number: 9191 5529. Very kind and friendly one.


About my Robinson story, initially I didn't want to share it because if I did my parents would know that I'm having trouble financially. But now that they do know already, here goes. It's actually about last Sunday, during tithing in church. It's where I spent the last crisp bills inside my wallet, and then I would have none anymore because I cannot withdraw what's left in my bank account because it's below the minimum withdrawal amount. A tiny voice told me "Ok so where are you going to get your dinner tonight?" But I gave up my last bills anyway. Then the one doing the exhoration for the tithing mentioned something about giving even if you have scarce resources, because God will make a way, like maybe someone owes you some amount and he'll pay you out of the blue just when you need it the most. Then I just shrugged his message off, thinking it's not applicable to me.

After the service Robinson and I (and Ivy?) went to Harbourfront Centre on the way home, but he told us he'd go and withdraw some money first. OK. Then whaddaya know, he handed me $20 because I sold him my Programming books at the very start of this recently concluded semester! Ha! Just when I needed the money the most. The delay had been a super blessing.

Yep, so for that week I had money some money to spned for my meals, and then I finally told my father about my problem. Yey. So there, see how great God is.

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