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Saturday, May 13, 2006

It has been a long, long time since I got a scolding from anyone.

I got one from my boss at the Waffle Shop today.

Remember, I did a 5-hr shift last night. This morning Dennis (the operations manager) called to ask me to call David (the owner). So I did. David sounded so upset on the phone, like a did a major blunder in the cleanliness and hygiene department. He said I didn't clean up last night and the place was very, very dirty this morning. I couldn't understand why he would say that, because I did clean up last night by my lonesome (usually two people do the cleaning up) and I left the place in order. Except that I didn't clean the used tubs because I wasn't sure if it's okay to just leave them there. I think my mind blanked out because I was very tired already (badminton in the morning after a long recess from any form of exercise, and doing a one-person shift at night), so I forgot about the basic stuff I should do in cleaning up. What could have gone wrong?

This afternoon I went back to PGP, supposedly to give David the money from last night's shift. He wasn't able to come last night to collect the money and check up on the place because (as I understand it), he was merrymaking with other Waffle Shop people in Marina Square. So I just left the money with the girl who is doing the shift right now and asked her if she knew about what happened this morning.

Finally I understood why David had been so upset, and why he described the place as very, very dirty this morning. Stupid me forgot that a spoilt waffle mixture froths and expands and creeps out of the tub like it has a life of its own. Since I didn't throw it away last night, this morning the place became flooded with waffle mixture goo that stinks big time.

I really screwed up.

I had been an irresponsible operator and I am terribly sorry. If I were in David's shoes my blood pressure would shoot up too. I already wrote him a note of apology and I will personally apologize later tonight. I will accept any penalty imposed to me, and I hope I will never forget this lesson about responsibility and learn from it.

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