After working from 11am to 6:30pm at the waffle shop nonstop and without having eaten my breakfast beforehand and subsequently my lunch, I now have a new motto:
Never say die loh.Anyway I was supposed to work until 2:30pm only, but the two persons who were supposed to take over the next shift never showed up, so my partner and I had to extend. Wow, God really is good, because for my 11am to 2:30pm shift, I was supposed to be working alone. However, something told me I wasn't ready to take a one-person shift yet, so I sms-ed the then strangers Beng Han and Sam to request if any one of them could help me out during my shift. A maximum of only 2 people are allowed to work for any shift, and Beng Han agreed to be the other 'official' operator aside from me. Sam being the nice guy that he is also volunteered to help us out for free!
So we were happily working together right, and 2:30 pm came. No sign of people from the next shift. We waited and just went about with our business. 3 pm and still no shadow of the two! We called the operations manager and blahblahblah...turns out there's been a misunderstanding about the schedule and people who were supposed to wrk were not aware about their shift. So in the end, Sam and I also took over the next shift. Beng had to go to the NUS Dive Club booth at the NUS open house to promote well, diving. Hee.
I just realized that if I had been too proud and make as if I could handle the stall on my own today and not have contacted Beng and Sam, I would have been alone throughout until the next shift! HORROR!!!
So thank you God for working things out for me.
Now more about my work. Haha. Next time I go home right, I would proudly tell our maid's boyfriend that I did it! When I expressed my interest in being a waitress as a summer job or something like that, he chuckled because he thought I couldn't do it. Also goes to show how lazy I was at home that time, that my housemates won't expect me to do anything that pertains to serving people or cleaning up or the like.
In my post as a waffle shop operator, I am in constant contact with rags and messy aprons because of the cleaning up I have to do, because we have to always keep our counter spic and span so as not to turn off our beloved customers. Or sometimes I have to carry heavy stuff to refill our spreads while wearing the stained aprons I was talking about, and it is during those times that I feel no different from the cleaning aunties and uncles in PGP and in the whole wide world in general. My classmates and schoolmates see me do what is considered as a low-level job and I am happy that I am not ashamed to be seen like that at all! (Haha coz back at home, even the tip of my toenails cannot be seen in our small sari-sari store because of my constricted views in the past about being a small store helper).
So of course, I now have a deeper respect for our cleaning aunties and uncles, janitors, stall operators, waiters and waitresses, and the like.
Aiyoh. I am so tired. Just a little bit more, and I can already smell summer coming. But the stench of deadlines and with exams just hovering like dark clouds above me, as well as all the other stuff that I need to take care of, I think I shall declare a hiatus again, with the exception of greeting special people in my life who incidentally have their birthdays this month. Actually this is the
busiest semester of my life so far, but I'm happy that now I'm complaining less and working more as compared to the preceding semesters. And everyday, before I go out of my room to go to school or to work, I always say "Please be with me, Father, for I cannot do it without you". It's this intimate 5 seconds with God that gives me comfort and strength for the rest of the day.
(Wow, you've actually reached this part of my looong post!) Anyway I think I better sleep now, coz tomorrow is Sunday and I'm going to church!
Goodnight world.
PS. Oh, and the actual reason why I blogged tonight in the first place:

Okay, don't be too harsh on the design coz I am still a beginner! The effort still counts right.