Right now I'm in one of the conference rooms of Phela Grande Hotel, where my mother is facilitating a meeting. I'm here as
saling pusa, documenting stuff for this workshop. People from the government and from non-government organizations are present. So far, what I've taken down are the following:
For NGOs:
Your role in nation buildng?
♣ Networking
♣ Smooth flow of transactions
♣ Active partners
For the Government sector:
Why do you need NGOs?
♣ Co-partners of our progress and development
♣ Programs implementors
♣ Linkages to private sectors
♣ Catalyst for development
♣ Provides extension services for government projects
♣ Helps in fostering transparencyA lady from the government sector is speaking right now, who popped me back to reality. Being in the midst of these grown-ups having a meeting transported me back to one of the meetings during my SG (Student Government) days. As much as I wouldn't want to have any regrets in life, one of those is not having been able to do my job properly as the 4th year Governor. I could have been better. Waaaay better. But during that time, I really wasn't interested in being part of SG. I just agreed to run because Thirdie is my friend and he had been on his knees to plead that I run, because no one else wants to and he needs people to complete his party.
I remember that day when we had Meeting de Avance. All who were running for positions were on stage at the gym. I was so nervous and the stage seemed so big ready to swallow me, which would have been perfectly fine as I would rather disappear than to speak in front of so many people. I remember the question that was thrown at me and my rival from the other party.
If there's anything you would to change in Pisay history, what would it be?I was the first to answer. That question seemed easy, a typical beauty contest final question. I forgot how exactly I mouthed my answer, but the gist is that I wouldn't change anything because whatever happened to Pisay in the past contributed to what it is right now, which as every Pisay student takes pride in, is one of the best high schools in the country.
My rival, Ex, clearly wasn't interested in the position too, answered he'd change the Keep Off the Grass policy just implemented. He didn't really elaborate on his answer.
So, modesty aside, it was a landslide victory to my favor; perhaps because I was well-liked in high school, I didn't have any enemies, and I always had good grades. My batchmates had put their trust in me, but looking back, I didn't really do my best to deserve it.
But see, this is also where God's hands came into play. My being part of the SG served as neon lights in my application form to get Mr. Paul Koh's attention to consider me as one of the recipients of the Singapore Scholarship. Aside from the fact that during the interview, I candidly told him that part of my life plans is to have a family, which made him look up from my application form he was reading and smile.
So. I've been here for more than 4 hours already. Mama's still talking. I'm still here in front of my laptop. My role is to edit the guidelines as the people agree on the revisions. The meeting started this morning at about 10 am, and now they're still on the first part of the 3rd page.
Ok, so while the adults are trying to resolve the issues that keep on cropping up that disrupts the flow of this meeting, I'm going to sing.
Love moves/In mysterious ways/It's always so surprising/How love appears over the horizon/I'll love you/For the rest of my days/It still is a mystery/Of how you ever came to me/Which only proves/Love moves/In mysterious ways...Anyway, this song is dedicated to no one.
It's almost 12 midnight. No, it's already past midnight. A while ago we had dinner at lola's house because today's my cousin Jelai's 3rd birthday.
By the way, mama appointed me as production assistant for some event. I get to work for the city government! Actually I've been spending some time in her office since I came here: answering calls, making coffee, being an errand lady, and the most significant thing I did to date was what I did earlier, documenting stuff during a meeting. Haha, see, I was also blogging during the meeting because they were discussing technical stuff, and I felt like I was just
saling pusa. But now that mama has assigned me something close to a real job (she told me I'll be getting paid too), I'm keen on learning something from this so I could confidently put this on my curriculum vitae.
Actually I've been secretly eyeing malls for some openings because I just want something, anything, to do for the summer. I'm not so interested with the money I'll be making anymore. But since we also have this colorful little store that's opening very soon, I think it won't be proper for me to work somewhere else. So now mama is giving me a job, and papa is giving me one too, so I think I'll be okay for the summer.
It's way past my bedtime now. My biological clock is back to normal. Normal as most people know it, i.e. sleep when the sun is down and wake up when it's up. After a long, tiring, but eventful day, I'm now signing off.
I think I will be on hiatus for a while.
he already replied to the shortest email i've ever sent in my whole life. i'm not mad anymore.